Minggu, 26 April 2009

belajar bahasa inggris

saat ini bahasa inggris adalah bahasa yang sepertinya mulai lazim d gunakan. kok bisa y? lihat sekitar qta. banyak orang sekarang entah miskin pa kaya, profesional pa semrawut, tua pa muda, sekedar narsis pa sungguh2, semua pakai bhs inggris. bahkan ada yg bilang klo g blajar bhs inggris tu kyk org blo'on pa kuper gitu. jadi y.... saya selaku org yg RRK (rada - rada kuper) sedang melakukan pencarian gimana blajar bhs inggris yg baek. terutama grammar. kalo qta g blajar grammar biasanya bhs inggris nya agak2 smrawut gitu. jdi apa salah nya saya mencoba grammar yg satu ini.

gerund (-ing)

adalah kt krja yg dibendakan (Verb + ing)
"Fishing is fun." ( memancing itu menyenangkan).

bentuk -ing yg d gunakan sbg adjective atau verb biasanya d sebut present particile.
"Anthony is fishing."( anthony sdng memancing)
"I have a boring teacher."( q punya seorang guru yang ngebosenin)

should #1

adalah auxiliary verb. biasanya kata ini d gunakan untuk
  • memberikan advice ato membuat rekomendasi
  • mengutarakan ttg kewajiban
  • mengutarakan ttg harapan ato kemungkinan yg kan terjadi
  • mengutarakan ttg kondisi perasaan / suasana hati
  • menggantikan struktur subjunctive
berikut adalah rumusnya:

Structure of Should

subject + should + main verb

The main verb is always the bare infinitive (infinitive without “to”).

subject auxiliary verb main verb
+ He should go.
- He should not go.
? Should he go?

  • kt Should tdk bisa d variasikan. jdi hanya ada satu kt should.
  • kt kerja utama selalu pakai kt kerja langsung. (g pake "to").

Kamis, 16 April 2009

kunjungi situs ini


Minggu, 12 April 2009


Rabu, 08 April 2009

charless dickens

Charles Dickens

Charles Dickens is one of the greatest novelists in the English language. He wrote about the real world of Victorian England and many of his characters were not rich, middle-class ladies and gentlemen, but poor and hungry people.

His family lived in London. His father was a clerk in an office. It was a good job, but he always spent more money than he earned and he was often in debt. There were eight children in the family, so life was hard.

Charles went to school and his teachers thought he was very clever. But suddenly, when he was only eleven, his father went to prison for his debts and the family went, too. Only Charles didn’t go to prison. He went to in a factory, where he washed bottles. He worked ten hours a day and earned six shillings (30p) a week. Every night, after work, he walked four miles back to his room. Charles hated it and never forgot the experience. He used it in many novels especially David Copperfield and Oliver Twist.

When he was eleven, he started work for a newspaper. He visited lawcourts and the Houses of Parliament. Soon he was one of the Morning Chronicle’s best journalists. He also wrote short stories for magazines. These were funny descriptions of people that he met. Dicken’s characters were full of colour and life –good people were very good and bad people were horrible. His books became popular in many countries and he spent a lot of time abroad, in America, Italy, and Switzerland.

Dickens had ten children, but he didn’t have a happy family life. He was successful in his work but not at home, and his wife left him. He never stopped writing and travelling and he died very suddenly in 1870.

Kamis, 02 April 2009

the birth of a star

The Birth of a Star

June 5th 2006

Henry looks carefully into the telescope which lets him see far, far away, as far away as the distant nebulae on the far edges of the Milky Way. Henry is an astronomer. He looks at the sky, and at stars in particular. Even though he spends much of his time looking at detailed computer reports, which are just lists and lists of numbers, his favourite thing about his job is looking through the telescope. And today he is very excited. He isn’t sure yet, but he thinks he has seen a dense cloud which might be the beginning of a new star.

July 5th 2006

Henry is still looking for a tiny point of light in the sky. He checks the lists and lists of numbers that his computer produces, and tries to make sense of them. He tries to turn the basic data into an image, a picture of the star he hopes to see, but it is not yet possible.

He arrives home feeling tired. His wife Anna sits down next to him. “I’ve got some news…” she says.

August 5th 2006

Henry is so excited about being a father that he has forgotten about his star. Anna is feeling sick and tired. Henry is no longer thinking about nebulae and clouds and gases. He is thinking about pushchairs and nappies.

September 5th 2006

Anna and Henry go to the doctor. Anna has an ultrasound scan. Henry is used to seeing distant images of planets and stars and clouds, and now he looks at this image. It almost looks like a cloud, but it is much clearer. He can see the outline of a head, the features of a face. And he realises that this means much more to him than the distant stars he is used to looking at.

October 5th 2006

Anna finally starts to get fatter. Henry is feeling terrified. For the first time now, he realises exactly what it means. In a few months time, he will be a father.

November 5th 2006

Anna looks at her tummy and now starts to feel that there is another living person inside her. She thinks about Henry’s job, and remembers how excited Henry was a few months ago when he thought that he could see a new star.

December 5th 2006

Henry thinks that Anna looks a bit like a whale, but that she is very beautiful anyway. He thinks that next Christmas everything will be very, very different.

January 5th 2007

Anna feels like she wants to sleep all the time. She feels like the baby already wants to come out. The baby is kicking her from inside. She feels like a football. She can’t wait to become a mother. Henry calls her ten times a day on her mobile phone.

February 5th 2007

It can take as long as ten million years for a star to form, but Henry doesn’t care about seeing his star any more. He knows that although he may be the first person to see a new star, it is impossible for him to see the birth of a star, from its beginning to its appearance. But he doesn’t care because a new star has just entered his life.

“But we haven’t thought of a name!” says Anna, holding the tiny baby in her arms.
“I have” says Henry. “I’ve got a beautiful name for her.”
“What is it?”
“Stella. Let’s call her Stella.”